What does it mean to make smart money decisions?
It’s when the wealth planning solutions you implement…
• Deliver the outcomes you want.
• Are cost-effective.
• And allow you to take advantage of meaningful opportunities.
This is smart.

A substantial percentage of the ultra-wealthy are poorly served; to ensure that you are not being poorly served, you must control the wealth planning process if you want superior wealth planning results.
Do you have 100% confidence in your current wealth journey? If you’re not sure, then we’d like to ask:
How knowledgeable are you when it comes to wealth planning?
How well served are you by the various professionals you work with?
What do you have to know, and what do you have to do to get superior wealth planning results?
If you want to optimize your financial life, then our exclusive book is for you!
Meet the Authors
Russ Alan Prince
Paul Saganey
Homer Smith
Russ Alan Prince is the Executive Director of Private Wealth magazine and a leader in the private wealth industry. Homer Smith is a Private Wealth Advisor with over 20 years of experience working with business owners and families of wealth with complex financial planning needs. For more than 25 years, Paul Saganey of Integrated Partners has served as a tremendous visionary where financial planning, wealth management, and CPAs intersect. This book combines their veteran industry knowledge with the best processes and systems to truly differentiate and grow an accounting firm.
Russ Alan Prince is not affiliated with Integrated Partners and is a separate entity.
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