Aligning advisors and CPAs for the benefit
of their clients, firms and legacies
The Integrated
CPA Alliance
Join the alliance. Expand your business.
Aligning advisors and CPAs for the benefit of their clients, firms and legacies
The Integrated
CPA Alliance
Join the alliance. Expand your business.
When trusted advisors work together to serve their clients the results are inspiring and profound. The Integrated CPA Alliance was created to align financial advisors and CPAs for the benefit of their clients, their firms and their legacies.
Over the past 25 years, this collaborative approach has delivered incredible results for both advisors and CPAs, but the biggest benefit? Growth.

The Integrated CPA Alliance creates a financial planning brand for the CPA firm, seamlessly making our advisors a part of that trusted relationship.

Through our team of in-house specialists, we deliver a proven marketing campaign to generate a strong referral funnel.

Our proprietary process tracks progress, opportunities and outcomes.

Working together as equal partners leads to stronger relationships – and more success.
The results are game-changing but the concept is simple: The Integrated CPA Alliance brings together a family’s most trusted advisors – their financial advisor and their CPA.
We work tirelessly every day to improve, refine, update and track our results and the success stories speak for themselves.