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August 21, 2023 • By Paul Saganey

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I’ve always lived by one important principle: Givers get.

Acts of kindness, charity, and generosity are not driven solely by the expectation of reciprocation. But the universe has a way of rewarding generosity exponentially.

The operative word in that sentence is “strong” relationship. Taking your relationship with COIs from mediocre to outstanding requires dedication, time, and effort. Here are five ways to take your relationships to the next level – and maximize your business along the way:

  1. Stay In touch: With COIs, communication is critical. Engaging your partners through emails, phone calls, social media interactions, and even occasional in-person meetings is important. Send relevant updates about your business, industry trends, or valuable content that aligns with their interests and expertise to make sure you are keeping in step. By keeping these lines of communication open, you build trust and create opportunities for collaboration and referrals.
  1. Add value: Building a “wow” relationship with COIs means consistently providing value. Be proactive, deliberate and selfless in offering assistance and support. Share your knowledge, resources, and connections to help them solve their problems or achieve their goals. This can be in the form of sharing industry insights, introducing them to potential clients or partners, or simply being a sounding board for their ideas. By adding value, you position yourself as a reliable and valuable asset in their network. Returns may not be immediate, but the spirit of reciprocity prevails, and one hand tends to wash the other.
  1. Connect with clients: One of the most effective ways to strengthen your relationship with COIs is to connect them with your clients. Remember: Givers get. Create a true avenue of trust and referrals by offering your COIs some opportunities first; this is a two-way street that will add value for your clients as well.
  1. Truly understand them and their goals: It’s crucial to understand COIs’ needs, priorities, and objectives fully. Take the time to learn about their businesses, challenges, and long-term goals. By gaining this understanding, you can align your efforts with their interests and tailor your approach accordingly. When COIs see that you genuinely care about their success, they are more inclined to reciprocate and actively support your business endeavors.
  1. Provide an exceptional client experience: An outstanding client experience doesn’t just apply to your own clients – it extends to your COIs as well. Ensure that any interactions with your business, whether through you or your team, are exceptional and memorable. Deliver on promises, respond promptly to inquiries, and address any issues or concerns promptly and professionally.

Taking your relationship with centers of influence from “blah” to “wow” requires dedication, consistency, and a genuine commitment to providing value. Remember, building strong relationships is a gradual process, so be patient and consistent in your efforts to achieve that coveted partnership.